Dealing with COVID19

May 1, 2021 Update:  After watching how things have operated and progressed over the last year with a keen eye to the environments that have been safely operating and where there have been more difficulties with illness, we feel comfortable moving forward with in-person classes for 2021-22.  We will be following IDPH guidelines. We have always cleaned our furniture with disinfecting wipes after classes, but going forward this will happen with any change of student grouping and expanded to include heavy touchpoints and equipment where gloves are not used. Nitrile gloves have always been available to science students who may feel more at ease and/or to calm anxieties about how something may feel on their hands. This option will continue to be available for any reason the student prefers to wear gloves.


July 13, 2020 Update:  We have made the difficult decision not to hold any in-person classes for Fall 2020.  The number of pieces that had to fit together to make this work safely for all involved were more than we felt we could consistently ensure would be in place.

We have instead poured more into making our online experiences engaging and well-spaced out for students who join us.  We would love to have you.


July 1, 2020 Update:  We are reducing the number of in-person offerings for Fall 2020 and increasing our online offerings.  Great care, time and funds have been invested to make the online experiences engaging and comprehensive.

The classes we hold in-person will be of limited number and limited enrollment levels. Students will be subject to wearing face shields and face masks both supplied by illuminat-ED and face shields cleaned after use by illuminat-ED.

Parents will need an “all clear” signal to leave from drop-off after a student is given a temperature check and visually inspected for obvious signs of illness (coughing, runny nose, etc.).  Distancing will be a challenge sometimes but the goal is to have students at least far enough apart that two students with extended arms would not be touching.  If your family would be uncomfortable with distancing occasionally being closer than this, illuminat-ED may not be the best setting for you for Fall 2020.

There is the possibility that in-person classes will move online per local health requirements.  Plans are in place to move those classes online and continue to facilitate learning.  Parents registering for in-person courses are agreeing to this if/when needed.


As many families move into “crisis schooling”, we, too, have had to transition to online learning.  Thankfully, our founder’s Master’s in Teaching had a concentration area of Educational Technology.  She has had some great online learning experiences to draw from and has put more funding into purchasing engaging online tools that facilitate our teaching methods rather than compromise them.

In reality, much of what we teach is easily moved online as a result; and we are spending the summer to make these courses fully engaging for the fall if shelter-in-place continues.  When it comes to our science classes, that’s a bit tricky!

We have had to be conscious of the sheer AMOUNT of screen time involved with students managing online learning and our goal is to keep classes that meet for discussion on schedule and the classes that meet for activities and discussion reduced in live online/contact hours. In these cases, finding offline activities that are meaningful and/or move screen time to an unscheduled time (to spread out screen exposure) are the goals.

We can definitely do this, but it’s not the same.  It’s just not.  And we’re not even going to try to make it sound like the energy and warmth of being in a room full of other people–seeing the subtle nuances of a facial expression or non-verbal communication is even remotely the same as moving online.

Will our students have really great learning experiences?  They really will.

Will they see, engage and collaborate with other students?  They absolutely will.

Will it be as emotionally fulfilling as being together in the same room?  Nope.

To that end, we will be spending the summer not only trying to ensure meaningful online learning that does not have our students in front of a screen all day–but also seeking emotional health supports for our students and our families (whatever your “family” looks like).

IF WE CAN GO BACK TO IN-PERSON MEETINGS:  In the fall, we are hoping to do a weekly social gathering (or field trip depending on circumstances) to connect our students. If this progresses to safely meeting weekly and there is  interest from our families, we will run a middle school in-person program on Tuesday mornings and add classes in the afternoon for those who want a full-day program.  If that is too much or too uncomfortable for our families, we will continue with our online model.

If you’ve found great ideas–we’d love to hear them!  Comment below or e-mail us!

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